Donnerstag, 10. April 2008

Beaver joking.

Heute: Harry Potter.

Knock Knock
Who's there?
You know.
YEP! Avada kedavra!

Knock, knock
Who's there?
He-who-must-not-be-named who?
He-who-must-not-be-named who?!
Er, uh, I --- Oh --- Avada Kedavra!

Q: How many Death Eaters does it take to stir a cauldron?
A: Just one -- he puts his wand in the cauldron and the earth revolves around him.

Ich find die nett. :)

2 Kommentare:

  • Am/um 10. April 2008 um 05:09 , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

    Schön find ich auch den hier:
    Why does Dobby keep criticizing himself?
    He has low Elf-estem

  • Am/um 10. April 2008 um 07:57 , Anonymous Anonym meinte...

    Oder der:
    Wormtail: Master, can you really rise again?
    Voldemort: Certainly, but you may have to give me a hand


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